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Manuscript Submission Information

Authors interested in submitting their research articles to the journal should send their papers to the Editor-in-Chief via email in electronic Word format. If an article can not be sent by email, three copies should be sent to the address of Pakistan Society of Criminology. A brief abstract of approximately 150 words, with upto ten key words and a brief biographical paragraph describing each author’s current affiliation, research interests, and recent publications should accompany the manuscript. The Pakistan Society of Criminology regards the submission of manuscripts as a commitment that they are contributed solely to this journal within Pakistan.All submissions will be subject to the normal process of peer review. Authors will receive a complimentary copy of the issue containing their articles. The maximum length of Quantitative papers should be 4000 words & Qualitative Papers should be 7000 words,  including notes and references. The first page of each article should show the following information:

(i) Title of the article, date and word count;

(ii) Author’s full name, affiliation, institutional and email address, telephone and fax numbers.

If submitting electronically, this information should be in a separate file to facilitate blind refereeing. The author’s name should not be mentioned except on the cover sheet. Lengthy quotations (exceeding 40 words) may be avoided and should be displayed, indented, in the text, if unavoidable. The position of tables and figures within the text should be clearly indicated. Ar – ticles should be written in English.

References :
Use APA referencing Style (in-text Citation)

Copyright :
Authors are required to assign copyright to Pakistan Society of Criminology, subject to retaining their right to reuse the material in other publications written or edited by themselves and due to be published at least one year after initial publication in the journal.

Annual Subscription :
All subscriptions are payable in advance and all rates include postage. Subscription are entered on an annual basis, i.e. January to December. Payments are made to Pakistan Society of Criminology in Pakistani currency or US dollars. The annual subscription fee in Pakistan is Rs.2000 and US $ 50 for overseas subscription.

Disclaimer :
The authors, editors and publisher will not accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made in this publication. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.

Advertising :
Current rates and specifications may be obtained by writing to the Advertising Manager, Pakistan Society of Criminology.

Change of Address :
Six weeks advance notice must be given when notifying of change of address. Please given when notifying of change of address. Please send old address table along with the new address to ensure proper identification.

Contact Information: 

Email:  pscatcriminology@gmail.com

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