Home > Publications > Unveiling Muslim Intellectual Pathways: Disrupting Capitalist Ideals and Cultivating the Revival of Islamic Civilisation

Unveiling Muslim Intellectual Pathways: Disrupting Capitalist Ideals and Cultivating the Revival of Islamic Civilisation

Suteki1 & Abdul Jalil2

This article explores how Muslim intellectuals think about revealing a road towards restoring Islamic civilisation by upsetting the idealism of capitalist society. The idea of capitalism is intricately connected to the process of “democratisation,” which refers to the formation of an economic system that paves the way for unrestricted market competition. This has a solid connection to the philosophy of secularism, which runs counter to the fundamental beliefs of Islamic philosophy, which attempts to incorporate divine principles and values into every facet of life, including God himself. Secularism is incompatible with the essential teachings of
Islami c philosophy. This article also examines the efforts made to bring back the concept of Sharia economics, an economic system corresponding to Islamic precepts. Because the definition of capitalism depends on its contrasts with noncapitalist systems, the idea of capitalism does not possess any characteristics that distinguish it from other economic systems. This article also describes how capitalism evolved from the concepts of freedom and material progress, which led to conflicts in the relationship between democracy and capitalism. This article concludes by discussing the significance of thinking about and attempting to revive Islamic philosophy as an alternative economic system that is more comprehensive and can transcend the shortcomings of the capitalist economic system.

Keywords: Muslim, intellectual, way of thinking, Islamic civilisation, capitalism, ideology.
