Home > Publications > Theoretical and Practical Basics for Investigating Crimes in the Field of Money Laundering

Theoretical and Practical Basics for Investigating Crimes in the Field of Money Laundering

Yerlan Mynzhanov1, Guldana Baimukhametova2, Saken Bertleuov3, Askhat Orakbayev4 & Denis Voyevodkin5


The purpose of the study is to consider the fundamentals of money laundering investigation, including problematic issues and development prospects, improving both the legal and  procedural framework, which in the future would be able to use the tools obtained more effectively and get the most positive result. The main methodological approaches used to achieve the goals of this study are analytical and comparative, the second of which is based on comparing the achievements in the field of investigations by other states with a similar legal
system, that is, international experience. The main results obtained are the designations of the main problems in the development of this part of criminal law, the identification of procedural gaps in the regulation of the work of investigative bodies, and the establishment of the main goals and objectives for the effective investigation of this category of crimes.

Keywords: Procedural Order; Money Laundering; Judicial Decision; Comparative Analysis; Crime Detection.
