Home > Publications > The Vulnerabilities of Electronic Land Certificates and Legal Adaptation in Indonesia’s Land Registration System

The Vulnerabilities of Electronic Land Certificates and Legal Adaptation in Indonesia’s Land Registration System

Mahrus Ali,1 Rendi Susiswo Ismail2 & Winahyu Erwiningsih3


In the era of rapid technological advancement, the proper adaptation of legal frameworks and secure technologies is crucial to ensure legal certainty in land ownership. The National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional or ATR/BPN) plays a central role in managing the issuance of electronic land certificates. This research aims to investigate the role of electronic land certificates in providing legal protection in Indonesia and analyze the challenges and vulnerabilities that arise with the development of information technology. Employing a normative legal method, this study focuses on the analysis of norms and legal regulations governing the use of electronic land certificates in the land registration system. The research approach includes a legislative approach, a conceptual approach, and the use of primary and secondary legal materials. The results emphasize the importance of careful adaptation to information technology developments to maintain legal certainty in land ownership, highlighting the central role of the ATR/BPN and the necessity of appropriate regulations, data security, legal validity, technical requirements, and technology utilization, including data encryption and network security measures, to address vulnerabilities. Adequate awareness and training are also deemed essential for all stakeholders involved.

Keywords: Electronic Land Certificate, Legislative System, Data Security, Information Technology Adaptation.
