Home > Publications > The Role of Legal Mechanisms in Cooperation between the Police and Local Self-Government in Controlling the Observance of Public Order

The Role of Legal Mechanisms in Cooperation between the Police and Local Self-Government in Controlling the Observance of Public Order

Andrii Zakharchenko1, Mykola Koteliukh2, Serhiy Ryabiy3, Oleksii Mostovenko4 & Ruslan Mykhailov5


The purpose of the conducted research was to determine the role of legal mechanisms for monitoring the observance of public order in the context of the interaction of police officers with local self-government bodies. To determine the legal framework for collaboration between the police and regional selfgovernment, formal legal and comparative methods, analysis of legal acts, and abstract and logical methods were used. The forms of interaction between the police and local self-government in controlling the observance of public order are identified in the article, and recommendations for improving such cooperation are formulated. It was determined that in order to improve the proper mechanisms of interaction between police officers and local self-government bodies, it is recommended to adopt a normative document on the legislative consolidation of the mechanism of interaction in the field of public safety and order in ordinary and emergency situations. It is recommended that the responsible entities and mechanisms for monitoring the state of this interaction be identified.

Keywords: interaction, cooperation mechanisms, local self-government, police, legal regulation, public order, cooperation
