Home > Publications > The Role of Journalism in Documenting and Addressing Crimes Against Journalists in Gaza: An Analytical Study

The Role of Journalism in Documenting and Addressing Crimes Against Journalists in Gaza: An Analytical Study

Ahmad Abdulkarim mousa Alsarayrah1 & Mohyi Aldin Abu Al houl2


This research explores the state of press freedom in the Gaza Strip and the challenges it faces, with a focus on crimes committed against journalists. It sheds light on the difficult political and security conditions in which journalists operate, including the violent threats and arbitrary arrests they face. The research also examines the impact of recent wars and conflicts in exacerbating the challenges faced by journalists, with a particular focus on the recent Gaza war. Additionally, the research discusses the role of the international community and technology in supporting press freedom and protecting journalists in Gaza.

Keywords: Press freedom, Gaza, Journalists, Crimes, Wars.
