Home > Publications > The Legal Framework for Community Penalties in Jordanian Law

The Legal Framework for Community Penalties in Jordanian Law

Ahmed Al-Batoush 1 & Tawfiq Khashashneh2


This study aims to clarify the contemporary criminal justice policy, which endeavors to embrace a system of societal sanctions, also known as alternative punishments, as a viable alternative to conventional criminal justice in the present era. This is in response to the fact that the prevailing criminal justice policy in both Arab and foreign legal systems primarily emphasizes punitive measures, resulting in a surge in crime rates and a mounting caseload in the judiciary. Upon concluding our study, we determined that the Jordanian legislator made a proper decision by implementing many alternative societal sanctions, such as social service, social control, and social service, which are acknowledged in comparable laws. There should be strong assurances in place to ensure that convicts can be successfully reintegrated into society after their release. This includes allowing conditional release, where a convict’s good behaviors do not prevent them from benefiting from this measure before the specified end date of their sentence. It is important to always provide opportunities for convicts to benefit from alternative punishment systems, as this decision should be based on the best interests of
society, rather than solely on the convict’s interest.

Keywords: Alternative Punishment, Electronic Surveillance, Conditional Parole.
