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The Lawfulness of Gender Reassignment Surgery in UAE: Rights and Responsibilities

Ayman Nawwaf Sharif Alhawawsheh1


Countries in the Middle East and North Africa lack any legislative framework to allow legal gender recognition (LGR) for their transgender populations. This legislative vacuum has forced transgender people who wish to receive LGR to undergo a lengthy, costly, and complicated judicial review process. This research explores the legal landscape surrounding gender reassignment surgery within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and investigates the
rights and responsibilities of individuals seeking such procedures. The study came to clarify the legal aspect of the sex change operation and to distinguish it from others that are like it, such as the sex correction operation, and to indicate whether there is any criminal liability on the patient or the doctor for this act by legislation. The findings from this study aim to inform legal practitioners, policymakers, and advocacy groups, fostering a more inclusive legal environment that respects the diverse gender identities of individuals within the UAE.

Keywords: Lawfulness, Gender identity disorders, -Reassignment Surgery, Transsexualism.
