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The Importance of Digital Technology in Extracting Electronic Evidence: How Can Digital Technology be used at Crime Scenes?

Tawfiq Khashashneh1, Tareq Al-Billeh2, Ali Al-Hammouri3 & Roua Belghit4

In the current investigative process, digital technology has become an essential tool that helps forensic specialists and law enforcement organizations retrieve electronic evidence that is vital to solving crimes. Obtaining electronic evidence from crime scenes is seen as a challenging investigative task, particularly in light of the rise in cybercrime techniques. In order to find some hints or evidence or assess their significance using scientific and technical data that neither the judge nor the investigator have access to, it takes professional investigators and technical experts. This study examines the value of digital technology in the recovery of electronic evidence and its practical use at crime scenes. Through an analysis of many methodologies, instruments, and obstacles, this research illuminates the dynamic field of digital forensics and its function within the criminal justice structure.

Keywords: Crime Scene, Digital Technology, Evidence, Electronic Evidence, Cyber Crime
