Home > Publications > The Impact of Using Algorithmic Systems on the Criminal Trial: International Experience

The Impact of Using Algorithmic Systems on the Criminal Trial: International Experience

Dmytro Patreliuk1, Maksym Leonenko2, Yevhen Dekhtiarov3, Arzu Bakhruz Hadzhiieva4 & Ivan Servetsky5


The impact of algorithmic systems on the criminal trial is becoming increasingly relevant in the legal sphere in the context of globalization and the development of digital technologies. The aim of the study is to assess the role of algorithmic systems in improving the transparency, consistency, and objectivity of court decisions at the international level. The research employs empirical methods, including comparison and making statistics. The obtained results indicate a 50% increase in the efficiency of the judicial system when implementing algorithmic systems based on Big Data. The study emphasizes the importance of developing ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks to prevent bias and abuse. The practical significance is the evaluation of international experience in the application of technologies to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of judicial decisions. The results of the study indicate the importance of integrating
algorithmic systems into the judicial process for improving the quality of justice.

Keywords: Algorithmic systems, judicial process, criminal cases, international experience, artificial intelligence (AI), automation, justice
