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The Impact of the Medical and Health Liability Law under Jordanian Legislation

Hazem Ali AL-Nsour 1


This research aims to thoroughly explore the impact and practical application of Jordan’s Medical and Health Liability Law No. 25 of 2018, critically analyzing its compatibility with existing criminal and civil laws and its effectiveness in addressing medical error cases. Through an analytical methodology, this study delves into the legal texts concerning medical liability, establishing criteria for liability and fault in medical acts. The findings underscore
significant insights into the legislative nuances that govern medical practices within Jordan, offering a nuanced understanding of the law’s implications for both medical professionals and patients. By avoiding complex terminology and maintaining a formal register, the research elucidates the intricate balance between legal requirements and medical ethics, providing a comprehensive overview of the legal landscape surrounding medical liability. The study’s outcomes aim to contribute valuable perspectives to the ongoing discourse on legal reforms in the medical sector, highlighting the necessity for laws that support both patient safety
and medical professionals’ rights.

Keywords: Medical Liability Law, medical work, medical error, service provider, doctor, and penalties for medical errors.
