Home > Publications > The Impact of Digital Technologies on Ensuring Transparency and Minimising Corruption Risks among Public Authorities

The Impact of Digital Technologies on Ensuring Transparency and Minimising Corruption Risks among Public Authorities

Oleh Lazor1, Oksana Lazor2, Ivan Zubar3, Andriy Zabolotnyi4 & Iryna Yunyk5


Digital technologies are becoming increasingly important for promoting public authorities’ transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption activities. The aim of the research is to analyse the impact of digitalisation on ensuring transparency and minimising corruption risks among public authorities. The study employed correlation analysis and graphical methods for modelling. The results of the analysis established that digital technologies have a significant potential to transform traditional practices towards greater accountability and transparency.
Factors determining the effectiveness of digital technologies for increasing transparency are: the level of institutional readiness of authorities, overcoming digital inequality, legal regulation, and the development of information competence. Digital technologies have not yet realised their full potential to ensure systemic transparency of authorities and prevent corruption. A comprehensive approach is important to optimise these processes. Although
digital technologies can provide significant transparency, their proper implementation, which lies between technical and social capabilities, has greater potential to enhance transparency, restore public trust, and combat corruption.

Keywords: digital technologies, transparency, public authorities, corruption
