Home > Publications > The Evolution of Anticipatory Policing in the United Arab Emirates: Proactive Crime Prevention & Technology

The Evolution of Anticipatory Policing in the United Arab Emirates: Proactive Crime Prevention & Technology

Ehab Alrousan1 & Raed S. A. Faqir2

The present study explores anticipatory policing in the United Arab
Emirates (UAE), focusing on proactive crime prevention using legal and
technological means. It emphasizes the shift from reactive to proactive law
enforcement, addressing challenges in balancing security, civil liberties, resource
constraints, legal boundaries, and technology. Preserving community trust is
highlighted as crucial. The research examines preemptive investigations against
terrorism and organized crime, scrutinizes various anticipatory investigation
models, and reviews UAE-specific practices like undercover operations,
surveillance, and technology integration. Methodologically, it employs a doctrinal
approach, evaluating policing strategies for anticipatory criminal investigation,
especially for cybercrime, terrorism, and human trafficking. The study concludes
with informed recommendations to tackle the complexities of anticipatory policing
in the UAE.

Keywords: Anticipatory Policing, UAE, Proactive Crime Prevention,Challenges, Security, Civil Liberties, Technology, Preemptive Investigations, Crimes.
