Home > Publications > The Death Penalty in Jordan: A Critical Examination of its Application and Abolition Debate

The Death Penalty in Jordan: A Critical Examination of its Application and Abolition Debate

Sadam Abu Azam1, Mohammad Airout2


The use of the death penalty (capital punishment) in Jordan has been a source of heated debate for a long time. This practice, historically used for serious crimes like murder and terrorism, is legal in Jordan and seen as a form of punishment and deterrent. However, concerns exist about fairness, following proper procedures, and potential human rights violations. Supporters believe it’s necessary to protect society from dangerous criminals, while opponents argue it violates the right to life and risks mistakes. The international community has also urged Jordan to review its stance and potentially abolish the death penalty altogether. Reforms include a complete review of Jordan’s legal system to ensure fair and transparent trials.

Keywords: Death Penalty, Application, Abolition, Debate, Jordan
