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The Crime of Genocide Considering International Humanitarian Law

Mohammad Ali Bani-Meqdad1


Obtaining justice for individuals from different groups in the international community is a fundamental human right. Because of this, the United Nations has consistently recognized genocide as an international crime that is denied by everyone and for which those who commit it should be held accountable. Consequently, genocide falls under the purview of international criminal courts; however, its definition, elements of criminal liability, distinction from other
international crimes, and standards used by the court to classify genocide crimes must all be defined. Understanding the elements of the crime is essential. These crimes damage humanity and jeopardize global peace and security, which makes it necessary to establish international courts with the authority to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes. Genocide is not something that typically happens overnight or without warning. It is, in fact, a deliberate strategy. Genocide has a considerable impact on future generations. It has a detrimental effect on the safety and security of the population in neighboring areas because its consequences
extend beyond the borders of the devastated country. For instance, the genocide in Rwanda is still being felt today in many ways, both inside the nation and among its neighbors, particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s eastern territories.

Keywords: Crime, gatherings, humanity, genocide, homicide, race, criminal court
