Home > Publications > Regulatory and Legal Regulation and Organization of Forensic Examination of Documents

Regulatory and Legal Regulation and Organization of Forensic Examination of Documents

Viktor Sezonov1, Iryna Petrova2, Stanislav Perlin3, Olga Sezonova4 & Alina Piddubna5

The relevance of the research topic is determined by globalization factors and the development of a number of ways that can be used to manipulate documents as a source of evidence within the scope of investigative actions. The following methods were used in the work: historical, systematic, comparative, analysis method, legal hermeneutics method and others. The main results of the conducted research were the following: clarification of the chronology of the development and birth of the forensic institute regarding the investigation of documents, a detailed identification of the peculiarities of the regulation of this area within the limits of
Ukrainian legislation with a study of the main normative legal acts. Specific features regarding the organizational aspects of the forensic investigation of documents, the types of such investigation and the methodology of its conduct are highlighted.

Keywords: Technical Research; Handwriting; Globalization; Criminal Process; Forgery.
