Home > Publications > Public International Law in the Mechanism for Preventing Violations of Peace in the Context of an Armed Aggression by the Russian Federation on Ukraine

Public International Law in the Mechanism for Preventing Violations of Peace in the Context of an Armed Aggression by the Russian Federation on Ukraine

Oksana Hnativ1

This paper considered the mechanism of operation of international treaties in general and the content and problems of applying jus cogens norms. The study investigated the practice of implementing the provisions of several international acts, namely the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the Budapest Memorandum, and the Charter of the United Nations. The article examines the interaction of the Russian Federation with the international institutions of which it is a member, examines the reaction of the most influential international organisations, such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the World Health Organisation, in connection with Russian aggression. The study considers the
issues of deterring armed aggression, protecting human rights, reforming global institutions, and coordinating the actions of the international community in response to threats to peace and security.

Keywords: International Law, Military Aggression, International Security, Humanitarian Law, Sanctions, Russian-Ukrainian War, Jus Cogens.
