Home > Publications > Psychological Aspects of the Problem of Punishment and Correction of Convicts in Modern Realities

Psychological Aspects of the Problem of Punishment and Correction of Convicts in Modern Realities

Viacheslav Nahornyi1

This research is designed to explore the psychological aspects of the problem of punishment and to explore the impact of punishment on convicts at the stage of its execution through the prism of penitentiary psychology. The research examined penitentiary psychology as a branch of legal psychology that explores the patterns of personality dynamics in the process of serving a sentence. The author examines the states of convicts at different periods of their stay in penitentiary institutions and their impact on the desire for correction, which is one of the objectives of punishment. The stage of social adaptation and the stage before release are
considered separately in terms of psychological aspects of the convict’s personality.
The author examines the experience of different countries in dealing with the resocialisation of convicts and providessome improvementsthat could have a positive impact on the penitentiary system of Ukraine.

Keywords: Resocialisation, Penitentiary System, Criminal Legislation, Execution of Sentences, Social Isolation, Public Administration.
