Home > Publications > Problems of Physical and Legal Protection of Citizens in the Territories of Other States during Armed Conflicts

Problems of Physical and Legal Protection of Citizens in the Territories of Other States during Armed Conflicts

Volodymyr Pashinskyi1, Oleksandr Kryvenko2,Bohdan Shamray3, Roman Aliiev4& Volodymyr Falko5

The relevance of this topic is that military conflicts give rise to the problem of protection of citizens, especially such vulnerable categories of society as persons who do not participate in hostilities, the wounded, the disabled people, children, women, pregnant women and mothers of young children, as well as protection of basic human and citizen rights and freedoms. The main purpose of the article is the study and analysis of international legal instruments that ensure the protection procedure of the civilian population in the conditions of armed conflict and the implementation of such protection according to modern realities. The following scientific methods were used during the writing of this work: structural-functional and dialectical methods, logical analysis method, synthesis method, comparative analysis method, scientific literature analysis method and generalisation method. The study work was carried out based on the analysis of international legal treaties, acts and other regulatory documents that regulate the protection of the civilian population during hostilities, as well as the practice of different countries of the world was analysed.

Keywords: Humanitarian Law, Civilian Population, International Legal Instrument, Human Rights, Safety of Civilians
