Home > Publications > Principle of Legality in International Criminal Law

Principle of Legality in International Criminal Law

Talal Yassin Aleissa1, Ziad Mohammad Al Wahshat2, Hashim Ahmad Mohammad Balas3, Saleem Abed Alrahman Saleem Asouli4 & Ghaleb Moh’d Yasin Alshamayleh5

The research examined the compatibility of the establishment of an international criminal court with the principle of legality and outlined the grounds for legitimizing international criminal law، The aim of the research is to demonstrate the role of international criminal justice in helping to expedite and facilitate the prosecution of accused persons for the purposes of justice. The research reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which was that international criminal law was customary in nature and took an expanded interpretation. In contrast, article 22 of the Rome Charter’s statute reflected the principle of nullum crimen sine lege and nullum poena only in the text applicable nationally.

Keywords: International Criminal Court, Principle of Legality, International Crimes, Criminal Law.
