Home > Publications > Penal Protection Contained in the Framework Law on Waste Management and Instructions for the Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste

Penal Protection Contained in the Framework Law on Waste Management and Instructions for the Management of Electrical and Electronic Waste

Ali Al-Hammouri1, Tareq Al-Billeh2, Tawfiq Khashashneh3, Lana AL-Khalaileh4 & Roua Belghit5

This research explores the penal protections embedded within the legal
framework for waste management, with a specific focus on the management of
electrical and electronic waste (e-waste). The article aims to describe the legal and
factual facts of acts constituting environmental crimes and their compatibility with
the provisions of the Framework Law on Waste Management No. 16 of 2020 in
Jordan. In addition to explaining the guidelines for the environmentally sound
management of e-waste equipment from information technology. The paper also
identifies the problems faced by Jordanian legislators in implementing the strategy
for the sound management of electrical and electronic equipment wastes through a
special system for the management of electrical and electronic wastes. Provisions
on penal liability for damages should be added with the status of judicial officer of
the Ministry of Environment to ensure that the law is enforced in a manner
conducive to the rule of environmental law, and adding urgency to environmental
issues, particularly those related to hazardous wastes, and dealing with them
quickly. It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of penal protection in waste
management, with particular emphasis on electrical and electronic waste.

Keywords: Justice, waste management, environmental crime, environmental protection law, hazardous waste, environmental protection
