Home > Publications > Peculiarities of Compensation for Damages and Losses Caused as a Result of the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

Peculiarities of Compensation for Damages and Losses Caused as a Result of the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine

Oksana Hnativ1, Halyna Yanovytska2, Svitlana Senyk3 & Iryna Pasailiuk4

The study’s relevance was that the events studied in it are currently taking
place in Ukraine, which indicates the need for their analysis and practical resolution
as soon as possible. Because of this, the purpose of the work was revealed to
determine the priority compensation methods for damage and losses caused during
the Russian Federation’s armed attack on Ukraine. For this, the work used the way
of analysis and synthesis, comparison, deduction, formal-legal, and generalization.
As a result, it was established that recording losses and damages is a complex
process, especially in areas where active hostilities are taking place. It was proved
that the priority methods of ensuring further compensation for losses are the seizure
of assets of residents of the Russian Federation located on the territory of Ukraine,
as well as the formation of a special fund for the payment of compensation to the

Keywords: War; Reparations; International Tribunal; Asset Recovery;
