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Navigating Media Regulation in Islamic Societies: Challenges, and Ethical Considerations

Mohyi Aldin Abu Al houl1


This empirical paper investigates the regulatory challenges and strategies for enhancing media content production in Islamic societies. The Introduction outlines the importance of media regulation within cultural and religious contexts, emphasizing the need for balanced approaches that uphold freedom of expression while respecting societal values. The Method section discusses the methodologies employed to analyze current regulatory frameworks, including legal reviews, stakeholder interviews, and comparative analysis. Results indicate various challenges, including legal restrictions, technological disruptions, and cultural
sensitivities, necessitating collaborative approaches and innovative solutions. The Discussion explores recommendations for future regulatory initiatives, such as embracing digital transformation, strengthening legal protections, promoting media literacy, and fostering cross-cultural dialogue. Overall, this study highlights the complexity of media regulation in Islamic societies and underscores the importance of adaptive and inclusive approaches to address evolving challenges while upholding ethical and cultural values.

Keywords: Media regulation, Islamic societies, freedom of expression, cultural values, technological disruptions.
