Home > Publications > Modern Medical Responses and Rape Prosecutions in Arab Criminal Jurisdiction: A Comparative Perspective

Modern Medical Responses and Rape Prosecutions in Arab Criminal Jurisdiction: A Comparative Perspective

Naser Alsaraireh1 & Hasan Tarawneh2

The scientific progress has produced a number of unethical modern medical trends. These new trends have raised many problems and questions. The research discussed the impact of transgender on the legal elements and investigations of the crime of rape in Arab legislation compared to foreign legislation since crime of rape requires a specific gender of the perpetrator and the victim. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach to the texts of
the articles related to the subject of this study, the end of this study the researcher reached many results. The most important of them: There is a legislative gap in the criminal laws of Arab countries regarding the transgender persons. The study recommends Arab legislators to regulate the issue of sex change in terms of the criminal responsibility, especially for crimes in which the sex of a person is an essential element for its commission, as the rape crime.

Keywords: Transgender, Gender Correction, Gender Change, Gender Dysphoria, Hermaphrodite, Rape.
