Home > Publications > Legal Regulation of Training Territorial Defense Forces to Interact with Law Enforcement Agencies in a Case of Crisis Situations

Legal Regulation of Training Territorial Defense Forces to Interact with Law Enforcement Agencies in a Case of Crisis Situations

Vitalii Verbytskyi1, Dmytro Sysoiev2, Ihor Tsiupryk3, Viktor Kuts4 & Nataliia Dobrianska5


The article aims to study the legal regulation of training territorial defense forces to interact with law enforcement agencies in case of crisis situations (in the example of Ukraine). Using techniques of formal-legal methods, analysis of legal acts, and abstract-logic methods, we studied the issues of legal regulation and the interaction of territorial defense forces with law enforcement agencies in case of crisis situations (in the example of Ukraine). Based on the results of the conducted study, it was offered to adopt a regulatory act, which will contain: competence, authorities and liability of law enforcement agencies and TDF in crisis situations;
procedures of the interaction of TDF and law enforcement agencies in crisis situations; determination of crisis situations, interactions, methods of work, financing rules and other aspects of interaction. Recommendations formed in the work can be applied in the development of a legal basis for the interaction of TDF with law enforcement agencies in crisis situations.

Keywords: interaction, hybrid threats, crisis situations, TDF training, law enforcement agencies, legal regulation, territorial defense.
