Home > Publications > Legal Guarantees and Judicial Protection of Human Rights in the Post-Soviet States and the Countries of the North Atlantic Alliance in the 21st Century

Legal Guarantees and Judicial Protection of Human Rights in the Post-Soviet States and the Countries of the North Atlantic Alliance in the 21st Century

Liudmyla Mikhnevych1, Nadiria Ilnytska2, Kateryna Ilikchiieva3 &Yuliia Ryzhuk4

The purpose is to generalize the main issues of legal protection of the population both in the states of the former Soviet Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) from the viewpoint of the effectiveness of the functioning of legal guarantees and judicial systems in these countries. The research reflects the shortcomings in the judicial systems of countries, in particular, as the United States of America, Spain, Italy, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, which allows identifying the main practical issues faced by ordinary citizens who are forced to
use their right to judicial protection. The authors state that the duration of the judgment enforcement is a common problem in the aspect of non-enforcement of court decisions both in the states of the former Soviet Union and NATO. The publication examines the peculiarities of the judgment enforcement in the European space and the issue of criminal liability for non-enforcement of judgments.

Keywords: Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms, Activities of Judicial Institutions, Non-enforcement of a Judgment, Ombudsman Institution, Complaints to the Ombudsman.
