Home > Publications > Investigation of International Transport Crimes

Investigation of International Transport Crimes

Sergii Kniaziev1, Assol Shulzhenko2, Andriy Tymchyshyn3, Maryna Vedenyapina4 & Hanna Stepanova5


Investigating international transport crimes is a challenging issue for current global security, law and order, as well as economic stability. The aim of the article is a detailed analysis of international measures to combat illegal transportation, the crime rate, and security at customs. The data on the number of open violations at the European Union (EU) customs are provided, and the use of advanced technologies and international cooperation is described based on statistical analysis and a graphical method. As a result, the relationship between the effectiveness of customs control and the reduction of illegal transportation is established. The results indicate a low level of violations of the organisation of illegal transportation at a minimum level of 82 and a maximum of 106 cases in Europe. There is a need for an
integrated approach that includes legal, technological, and international measures to combat this problem. The research opens up new opportunities for understanding the effectiveness of various strategies to combat illegal transportation. Prospects for further research in this area include the development of new international legal initiatives, improvements in monitoring technologies and a deepening understanding of the relationship between law and order, the economy, and global security.

Keywords: smuggling, investigation of crimes, organisations of illegal activities, international trafficking, transnational crimes, customs control.
