Home > Publications > Human Rights Violations by War Crimes: Theory and Practice

Human Rights Violations by War Crimes: Theory and Practice

Volodymyr P. Pylypenko1, Khrystyna T. Sliusarchuk2, Pavlo B. Pylypyshyn3 & Svitlana V. Boichenko4

The relevance of this study is conditioned upon the real mass violation of human rights against the background of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine and the commission of numerous war crimes by the aggressor state, which encroach on the welfare of individuals. The purpose of this study was to clarify the concept and content of war crimes, their correlation with violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms in the field of public international and humanitarian law. The principal methods used in this
study were historical, statistical, analysis method. The study results were as follows: clarification of the historical origin of the term “war crime”, characteristics and differences between the term “war crime”, research of international treaties and other regulations that govern and define this category, clarification of the norms of Ukrainian legislation that make provision for war crimes and sanctions for their commission.

Keywords: Genocide, International Tribunal, Russian-Ukrainian War, Armed Aggression, Inalienable Rights.
