Home > Publications > Functional Purpose of Tactical Operations in the Development of Criminalistic Methodics of Crime Investigation

Functional Purpose of Tactical Operations in the Development of Criminalistic Methodics of Crime Investigation

Viktor Shevchuk1, Maryna Kostenko2, Yaroslav Myshkov3 Igor Papusha4 & Iryna Hryshko5

The relevance lies in the investigation of the role and functional purpose of tactical operations in the development and implementation of criminalistics methodics for investigating criminal offences, which are used to identify, investigate, solve, and prevent committed criminal acts. The purpose is to clarify the influence of the functions of tactical operations on the construction of criminalistic methodics for investigating a criminal offence, as well as to analyse and describe the concepts of “tactical operation” and “criminalistics methodics of investigating criminal offences”. The results are as follows: the proposal of a contemporary interpretation and definition of the terms “tactical operation”, “functions of tactical operations” and “criminalistic methodics of investigating criminal offences”; identified the influence of tactical operations on the development of criminalistic methodics of investigation
of a criminal offence; describes the features of various types of tactical operations during the investigation of certain types of criminal offences by an investigator.

Keywords: Oorganisational and Tactical Means, Forensic Complexes, Optimal Systems of Criminal Intelligence Activities, Optimisation of Investigative Methods, Functions of Tactical Operations.
