Home > Publications > Exploring the Administrative Role of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Safeguarding Industrial Designs and Models: A Criminological Perspective

Exploring the Administrative Role of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Safeguarding Industrial Designs and Models: A Criminological Perspective

MohammadAmen Bani Amer2, Asem Noor Issa Alhendi1, & Muamar Hasan Salameh3

Industrial designs and models are vital components of a nation’s intellectual property landscape, fostering innovation, economic growth, and competitiveness. In Jordan, as in many countries, The Ministry of Industry and Trade holds a pivotal administrative role in protecting these assets. This research paper presents a comprehensive criminological analysis of the Jordanian Ministry of Industry and Trade’s effectiveness in Safeguarding industrial design and model infringement, this study sheds light on the legal protection for Industrial designs and models. The findings offer insight into the dynamics of industrial design and model protection
in Jordan and propose recommendations for policy improvements in the pursuit of a more robust and resilient intellectual property protection regime.

Keywords: drawings, models, industrial, law, registry, ministry.
