Home > Publications > Enhancing the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Conflict Zones: A Comprehensive Review

Enhancing the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Conflict Zones: A Comprehensive Review

Mohammad Ahmad Nayef Alakash1, Haitham M Altaany2, Bassam Abuirmilah3, Hisham Jadallah Mansour Shakhatreh4, Nabeel Zaid Suliman Magableh5 & Abdel Karim Moh’d Suleiman Al daraiseh6


This article explores the challenges, case studies, critiques, and recommendations for implementing International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in conflict zones. It examines the foundational principles of IHL, including humanity, distinction, proportionality, and military necessity, which guide parties involved in armed conflicts. The complex relationship between IHL and state sovereignty is discussed, emphasizing the need to balance humanitarian norms
with national sovereignty. Case studies of conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Myanmar,
Israel-Palestine, and Iraq are analyzed to illustrate the complexities of implementing IHL. These conflicts demonstrate widespread violations of IHL, including attacks on civilians and the use of prohibited weapons, highlighting the urgent need for greater adherence to humanitarian norms. Critiques of IHL are examined, focusing on challenges such as the lack of enforcement mechanisms and the rise of non-state actors. In conclusion, the article stresses the importance of upholding and enforcing IHL to mitigate the humanitarian impact of armed
conflicts and protect the rights of individuals affected by war. Addressing these challenges and implementing the recommendations outlined in this article can lead to a future where humanity, distinction, proportionality, and military necessity are upheld, safeguarding civilians and combatants from the devastating consequences of armed conflicts.

Keywords: International Humanitarian Law (IHL), armed conflicts, implementation challenges, state sovereignty, enforcement mechanisms, conflict resolution.
