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Electronic Notifications in Jordanian Law

Mohammad Al-Freihat 1 & Tawfiq Khashashneh2


The study examined the legal system of electronic telegrams in the system of using electronic means in civil proceedings The Jordanian legislator was created to keep abreast of recent electronic developments and to use them to facilitate litigation proceedings against the parties to the proceedings and to address the obstacles and problems encountered in conventional reporting and researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach by describing the concept of electronic reporting, Analyzing the texts of the Civil Trial Code and Code of Procedure and amendments. This study has reached several conclusions. The ease of use, as well as several suggestions, is important for the legislator to organize texts setting out the system’s electronic reporting procedures because of the inadequacy of the texts contained in the Code of Civil Procedure, and the Provision of more modern technical equipment and development, numbers and qualification of Ministry of Justice staff to use means.

Keywords: system, means, notification, procedures, authenticity, justification, parties to the proceedings, Statements
