Home > Publications > Effectiveness of Applying Criminal Law Norms on Animal Cruelty in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Effectiveness of Applying Criminal Law Norms on Animal Cruelty in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Alua Muratova1, Akynkozha Zhanibekov2, Aizhan Aryn3, Botakoz Shansharbayeva4 & Adiya Muratova5


The purpose of the study is to analyse the effectiveness of the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at animal protection. During the research, the method of typological grouping was used to identify penalties for animal cruelty. The paper examines the problem of inhumane treatment of animals in the Republic of Kazakhstan, analyses the current laws and regulations in the field of animal protection. Statistical data on the number of registered criminal offences related to the unlawful treatment of animals for 2021-2023 are presented. The problems associated with the low percentage of discovery and the disclosure of cases on this issue, due to the inefficient evidence base for recording criminal offences are analysed. It is indicated that the studied problem of animal cruelty requires the immediate implementation of a set of measures related not only to legal, but organisational and educational measures.

Keywords: Legislation; Humanity; Offences; Constitution; Animal Protection Organisations.
