Home > Publications > Digital Media and Islamic Jurisprudence: Exploring Legal Adaptations and Challenges

Digital Media and Islamic Jurisprudence: Exploring Legal Adaptations and Challenges

Mohyi Aldin Abu Al houl1, Mohammad Toma Suleiman Alqudah2 & Mohammed Abd-Alkarim Almomani3


This study examines the profound impact of digital media within Islamic societies across diverse domains such as culture, economics, healthcare, environment, gender dynamics, and political participation. Through extensive literature review and empirical evidence, it reveals how digital media has revolutionized cultural preservation, economic development, healthcare delivery, environmental sustainability, gender empowerment, and political engagement
within these societies. By understanding the multifaceted role of digital media, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners can effectively harness its potential to foster inclusive development and drive positive societal change in Islamic contexts.

Keywords: Digital media, Islamic societies, culture, economics, healthcare, environment, gender dynamics, political participation, transformation, empowerment, inclusivity.
