Home > Publications > Digital Forensic Challenges in Jordanian Cybercrime Law

Digital Forensic Challenges in Jordanian Cybercrime Law

Noor Al-Khawajah1, Tareq Al-Billeh2 & Majd Manasra3

The research paper aims to establish the legal restrictions governing digital forensic analysis in cybercrimes, examine the methodology employed, and assess them from a legal standpoint. The study and evaluation of the legal systems in place in several developed nations in this area, as well as a thorough review of the legal literature and legal suggestions relevant to the field of digital forensic analysis in cybercrimes, were done. Digital forensic analysis is the practice of
employing digital tools and technology to look into cybercrimes while maintaining fairness. Globally accepted legal rules are adhered to, ensuring that access to the digital evidence necessary is obtained in compliance with existing laws and obtaining a search warrant or other legal permission in order to maintain justice and moderation in this process. Digital evidence must be stored and recorded in a secure and trustworthy manner. This entails preventing the manipulation or change of evidence, guaranteeing its integrity and confidentiality of information, and checking the veracity of evidence and the legality of the technique used to gather it.

Keywords: digital evidence, forensic analysis, cybercrimes, detecting digital crimes, Information document
