Home > Publications > Criminological Study of General Aspects of the Preventive Influence of the theory of Routine Activity on Criminal Behavior

Criminological Study of General Aspects of the Preventive Influence of the theory of Routine Activity on Criminal Behavior

Ahmet Maloku1, Elda Maloku2 & Omer Gabela3


Under routine activities, we can highlight all the specifics that can be linked to the specific way of life of a certain social group in a certain area that developed during the historical development of that society. Such a way of life led to excessive liberalization regarding the freedom of behavior of individuals, which was used for a series of actions and activities that have a delinquent sign. Thus, individuals become perpetrators of some of the criminal acts. The old norms of behavior were rejected, and modern trends were accepted, in which the rules apply primarily: “the end justifies the means”. This implies the fact that it is important to reach a certain goal, but the way in which that goal was reached or the means used are not important at all, i.e. it is irrelevant whether it is a permitted or illegal way and with the use of permitted or illegal means. In the light of contemporary social events, even though in one historical period the development of criminology as a science was slowed down, and even stopped. It certainly left a mark on the development of the theory of routine activities and the problems it deals with, i.e. contemporary aspects of society that have significance for the overall events that fall within the domain of studying criminology and the theory of routine activities from the aspect of criminal behavior and its prevention.

Keywords: Criminology, criminal behavior, routine activity theory, general principles of routine activity theory, prevention.
