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Criminalization of Forgery of Electronic Payment Cards in Jordanian Legislation

Mohammad Nasr Khater1


The article analyses the penal protection of electronic payment cards from forgery through a linguistic and virtual description of the notion of electronic payment cards. In addition to identifying the types of these cards, such as the credit card, the ATM card, and the debit card, the research also dealt with the offence of forgery of electronic payment cards by defining forgery and its forms, showing the jurisprudential difference in the application of the traditional forgery provisions in the Penal Law on Electronic Forgery, and also the Jordanian
judiciary viewpoint regarding this topic through its judgments. The research concluded that the offence of forging electronic payment cards is based on the availability of three elements: the material element related to conduct based on changing the truth, the moral element, which is public and private intentions, and the necessity of the availability of the harm element. Also, the research came out with a recommendation that the Jordanian legislator should intervene in determining the bond or manuscript that may be exposed to forgery and determining its types and all its methods, in addition to developing texts for the definition of electronic payment cards, regulating its rules, and increasing its legal protection.

Keywords: Electronic Forgery; Credit Card; Payment Card; Cyber Crimes;
Criminal Law.
