Home > Publications > Crimes in Medical: A Criminological Perspective on Causes, Conditions and Prevention

Crimes in Medical: A Criminological Perspective on Causes, Conditions and Prevention

Aibek Seidanov1, Roman Temirgazin2 & Erzhan Utebaev3


The study aims to identify the problem of medical criminality from a criminological point of view and to provide conclusions and recommendations for further prevention and reduction of this phenomenon. Theoretical methods such as analysis, comparison, systematisation, formalisation, and generalisation were used. In the course of the study, the main causes causing medical crime were identified and analysed, which include financial incentives, ethical violations, and lack of professional training. Social factors that have a direct impact such as the
economic status of patients and health workers, level of education, and society’s attitude towards medical crime were also identified. A study on medical criminality can help identify and analyse the factors that contribute to such cases, which will enable the development of effective measures to prevent and investigate them.

Keywords: Ethical Violations; Professionalism; Social Status; Financial Gain; Medical Standards; Deontology.
