Home > Publications > Consumer’s Right of Withdrawal in E-Commerce Contracts: A Comparative Study of the Jordanian Civil Law

Consumer’s Right of Withdrawal in E-Commerce Contracts: A Comparative Study of the Jordanian Civil Law

Mohammad Saleh mulfe Alqudah1, Mohammad Muslim Al-Zawahreh2 , Tawfiq Aref tawfiq almajali3, Ghazi Ayed Alghathian4 & Marah Rakiz Al-Lasasmeh5


The right to withdraw from e-commerce agreements is considered a distinct and exclusive right for the consumer, and this uniqueness arises from the conditions imposed by the contract, which can affect the consumer’s decision-making process. Many legislations in the Western and Arab regions have recognized the importance of this right and considered it a guarantee for consumers who are less experienced in the field of consumption. However, in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, legislators in Jordan did not address this crucial issue in the era of globalization and technological progress. Instead, they took a pessimistic approach and limited their focus to general rules derived from civil law relating to defects in purchased goods. Therefore, this study focused on civil law, which focuses its attention on providing
the consumer with the option of examining and evaluating products and determining their condition, to find the legislative defect that must be taken into consideration and addressed.

Keywords: Right of withdrawal, consumer protection, e-commerce contracts, right of inspection, general rules.
