Home > Publications > Civic Education and its Role in Social Stabilization: A Comprehensive Review

Civic Education and its Role in Social Stabilization: A Comprehensive Review

Haitham M Altaany1 & Osama Abdelbary2


Civic education fosters societal stabilization and democratic resilience by equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for active citizenship. This comprehensive review examines the impact of civic education on societal stabilization, synthesizing empirical evidence from diverse disciplinary perspectives. The results show a positive association between civic education interventions and various indicators of civic knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Specifically, comprehensive civic education curricula enhance political knowledge, cultivate positive civic attitudes, and promote democratic
participation. Challenges such as the marginalization of civic education within educational systems and the politicization of curricula pose significant obstacles. Recommendations for enhancing civic education include integrating comprehensive curricula, professional development for educators, promoting experiential learning, fostering partnerships, and promoting inclusivity and diversity. Addressing these challenges and implementing evidence-based practices can maximize the impact of civic education on society, contributing to social
cohesion, democratic governance, and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms

Keywords: Civic education, societal stabilization, democratic resilience, political knowledge, civic attitudes, democratic participation.
