Home > Publications > Changes in the Political Discourse of Eastern European Countries in the Context of the Migration Crisis and Combating Human Rights Violations

Changes in the Political Discourse of Eastern European Countries in the Context of the Migration Crisis and Combating Human Rights Violations

Myroslav Durdynets1, Tetiana Poda2, Lidiia Kostetska3, Ivo Svoboda4 & Inna Strelchenko5


The aim of the study is the analysis of changes in political discourse in the Eastern European countries during the migration crisis and its impact on political decisions. A mixed approach, combining graphic methods, comparative methods, sociological method and content analysis of studies and political texts, was used. The results of the study indicate significant changes in the political discourse during the migration crisis, which are characterized by the formulation of migration as a security threat, the prioritization of national identity, and the rise of populism. The political leaders‘ favour of anti-immigration sentiments reflects the influence of public opinion on policy decisions, while the media have played a key role in strengthening the securitized discourse. The study determines the impact of these changes in discourse on policy decisions, including the adoption of restrictive immigration measures and their consequences for European integration, democratic values, socio-cultural dynamics, and security.

Keywords: Eastern Europe, migration crisis, political discourse, national identity, populism, European integration, political decisions, protection, human rights violations.
