Home > Publications > Arrest in Criminal Justice Administration: Important Unresolved Issues

Arrest in Criminal Justice Administration: Important Unresolved Issues

Meshari Kh. Aleifan1 , Hussin Buoroki2


This paper delves into examining the practical problems facing the police during the implementation of the arrest procedure within the realm of criminal justice administration. Employing a comparative analytical approach, the study juxtaposes the legal framework of the United States of America and the State of Kuwait, where the study traced the legal texts, judicial rulings, and regulations regarding the behavior of police officers in both systems. It has been shown through this study that some of these problems are due to legislative texts, others are related to practical practices, others are due to social problems, and some are
related to the scientific (academic) aspect. Through a comprehensive exploration of these critical aspects, the paper contributes valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on the challenges within the arrest process and underscores the need to address unresolved issues to enhance the efficacy of criminal justice administration.

Keywords: Arrest procedure, evidentiary requirements, in-custody investigation, access to counsel, judicial participation.
