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Analyzing the Exceptional Measures Adopted Following the Declaration of Martial Law in the United Arab Emirates: A Penal Perspective

Luma Al Dhaheri1


The Emirati legislator of 1971 has provided for the Martial Law in article 146 thereof, as all modern constitutions did; to ensure the protection of the public order and safety of individuals in case the state is exposed to exceptional circumstances. Of course, the exceptional circumstances are the reason behind declaring martial law, accordingly, venturing into the exceptional circumstances requires a comprehensive study of the concept of the circumstances justify declaring martial law, the measures taken at that time, ensuring freedoms and rights in these periods, the crimes that may be committed, and the judicial authorities responsible for punishing offenders. Accordingly, this study shall shed light on the constitutional text as well as the legislative text for Federal Law No. 11 of 2009 concerning martial law.

Keywords: Martial Law, Penalties, Exceptional Measures
