Home > Publications > Analysis of the Peculiarities of the Concept of Temporary Protection in the Eu in the Context of Defense against Hybrid Threats

Analysis of the Peculiarities of the Concept of Temporary Protection in the Eu in the Context of Defense against Hybrid Threats

Maryna О. Dei1, Iryna O. Hrytsai2, Nataliya O. Davydova3, Nataliia A. Serdiuk4 & Viktoriia V. Yurovska5,

Ensuring security has always been an extremely important aspect of its development and existence in every country. In order to ensure internal and external security, it is necessary to clearly understand the threats that may impede the normal functioning of the state. To this end, state so relevant international organizations always identify threats in their security concepts. However, the hybrid threat definition still lacks a clear, unifying definition and its concept acquires a new meaning in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The purpose
of the article is to analyse the peculiarities and concept of temporary protection under EU law and the doctrinal approaches of researchers, as well as to analyse hybrid threats in the context of the European countries’ borderless policy, considering the current situation. The authors compare the characteristics of temporary protection, as well as changes in the interpretation of hybrid threats until 2022 and after.

Keywords: temporary protection, hybrid threats, the war in Ukraine, European Union law, refugees
