Home > Publications > Analysis of the Implementation of International Legal Standards of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Status of Prosecutors in Ukraine

Analysis of the Implementation of International Legal Standards of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Status of Prosecutors in Ukraine

Oleksandr Yu. Amelin1, Yan V. Streliuk2, Sergii V. Podkopaiev3, Tetyana V. Yevchuk4 & Husein Atif ogly Agayev5

The relevance of the research in the field of activities of the prosecutor’s office is due to the active reformation of this institution in Ukraine with the aim of bringing it to the best international legal standards. The purpose is a detailed study of the theoretical and practical segment of the prosecutor’s activity through the prism of international legal standards. As a result, the legal norms of legislative acts of the world doctrine, the main approaches responsible for the implementation of prosecutorial activity, and the main problems that hinder the proper functioning of this system were identified. The theoretical and practical aspects of the application of international legal standards of the prosecutor’s office revealed during the work will help to propose recommendations for eliminating conflicts of legislation in the sphere of prosecutors’ exercise of their powers to improve the functioning of the current
system of implementation of prosecutorial activities.

Keywords: Reformation, Normative Legal Acts, European Union, Prosecutorial Activity, Human Rights.
