Home > Publications > Alternative Dispute Resolution for Prompt Disposal of Cases

Alternative Dispute Resolution for Prompt Disposal of Cases

Syed Kaleem Imam1


Litigation is bulging in courts. People infringed are looking for redressal and settlement of their complaints and disputes. Figures, as well as general perceptions, are that Criminal Justice System (CJS) is not aptly resolving lawsuits. This is a study to examine existing CJS and appraise its challenges. Analysis of how ADR is responding and aiding the CJS to dispose of cases. What has been done in the context, what are the advantages, risks in using ADR, and with the narration of few international best practices. And how ADR can be made more pragmatic and effective to ease people’s grievances for timely settlement of the dispute. This paper will assess the prevailing ailments, laws in vogue, progress made, explore ADR as a legitimate manner to swiftly resolve disagreement among the citizens and with the state, along with few suggestions.

Keywords: ADR, Cases, Conciliation, Court, Dispute, Mediation, Offenses, Police, Prison, Settlement
