Home > Publications > Influencing Factors behind the Criminal Attitude: A Study of Central Jail Peshawar

Influencing Factors behind the Criminal Attitude: A Study of Central Jail Peshawar

Intikhab Alam1, Anwar ul Mujahid2 & Shahid Iqbal3

This study was carried out in District Peshawar Central jail, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan to know about reasons behind committing crimes by
sampled respondents. The study main aim was to enlist the types of crimes by
looking into the criminal record and measuring the association between socio
economic factors with criminal attitude. From the adult prisoners a sample size of
196 was randomly drawn including the age group 18-64. To see association
between independent variable namely economic aspects with criminal attitude bivariate analysis were used. The findings of the study depict that large family size
9-12 members, 48.8 were in 10000 PKR monthly income, primary and middle
level education were found in 34.5% respondents. Joint family was common
70.5%, majority respondents 62.5% having farming as a profession,. Due to
drugs58.5% respondents were in jail, illiteracy was common 88.8% respondents.
At bi-variate level, due to parents imprisonment several time was found significant
(p= o.013), criminal activities carried out by relatives was found (p=0.006), larger
family size was influencing factors for crimes (p=0.001), use of drugs by parents
(p=0.001), criminal attitude was created in joint family (p=0.026) In addition,
joblessness (p=0.000), small earnings (p=0.000), unjustifiable economic
distribution (p=0.000), avoiding merit in jobs (p=0.000),due to illiteracy (p=0.000)
and committing gang activities (p=0.000) were found significantly related to
criminal attitude. The study established that low economic status of family having
large size are exposed to criminals were some of the influencing factors for
involvement in wrong doings. Relinquishing interaction with criminals by the
elders by involvement in health activities, in absence of father senior member of
the family should look after, creation of more economic activities in the bazaar,
developing a fair cheaper justice system at door step and provision of employment
to unemployed to unemployed are some of the suggestions in the light of study.

Keywords: Influencing factors, Socio-economic, Criminal attitude, Low income
