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Legal Protection and Domestic Violence against Women in Kashmir

Dr. Intikhab Alam1, Abdul Jabbar Raja2, Dr. Shahid Iqbal3

The present study was conducted to probe out the role of legal protection against
domestic violence against women in union council Watala district Bhimber, Azad
Kashmir. A sample size of 379 respondents was randomly selected in light of the
criteria devised by Sekaran (2003). A comprehensive interview schedule, based on
Likert scale was constructed and served for collecting the relevant information.
The data was presented in the percentages along with ascertaining the relationship
between independent variable namely (legal protection) with the domestic
violence against women (Dependent Variable) by indexing and cross tabulating to
ascertain the relationship through the application 𝑥2-test statistics. The study
found that Cases of domestic violence were not reported to police; reporting
domestic violence to concerned authorities reduced its occurrence; civil justice
system helped women more than the criminal court process. Special courts on
domestic violence could reduced and finish domestic violence; Islamic legislation
helped women to protect them against domestic violence; Pakistani legal system
not provided legal protection to the victims of domestic violence; Pakistani
women were not well protected by the laws against domestic violence. There was
no satisfactory legislation exist against domestic violence in Pakistan. Easy access
to civil and criminal justice system can help women. Special family courts on
domestic violence can help reduce domestic violence. Awareness about Islamic
family laws should be created through mass media is some of the suggestions to
reduce domestic violence against women.

Key words: legal, protection, domestic, violence
