Home > Publications > Assessing Gender-Responsive Approaches to Community Policing: A Comparison between the United States and South Korea

Assessing Gender-Responsive Approaches to Community Policing: A Comparison between the United States and South Korea

Robert D. Hanser and Nathan R. Moran

In this article, several assertions regarding women in policing in general, as well as the
state of affairs regarding gender responsive policing, in particular, will be presented. In
addition, a succinct comparison between two developed countries in two distinctly
different areas of the world, South Korea and the United States of America, will be
evaluated as a means of showcasing that, while progress for both women in law
enforcement and gender responsive policing have occurred, there is a great need for
further attention to these two critical issues. Ultimately, many supporting concepts and
ideas that connect the notion of gender responsiveness to a community policing
paradigm will relate well with the framework of agency cultural competence.

Keywords: Women in Policing; Gender Responsive Policing; South Korea; United
States of America; Community Policing
