Home > Publications > Book Review: The Routledge Handbook on Chinese Criminology Oxan, UK

Book Review:L. Cao, I.Y. Sun, and B. Heberton (eds.). (2014) The Routledge Handbook on Chinese Criminology Oxan, UK: Routledge. pp. 352 (HB). $317.16 (Indigo); $180.42 e-version
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Reviewed by: John Winterdyk

Department of Economics, Justice, and Policy Studies, Mount Royal
University, Calgary, AB. CANADAT3E 6K6 jwinterdyk@mtroyal.ca
Routledge has produced a number of international handbooks and this book is
the latest in the series. To date, the other international handbooks (i.e., International
Criminology and European Criminology) are deemed valuable resource texts for
anyone who is interested in subject areas. Chapter 45 in the Handbook on
International Criminology, is the only chapter that focuses on the state of
criminology on China. The authors, Xiu and Tingyao, point out that criminology is
China is only about 30-years old but that it has evolved and there is a growing body
of research and scholars who are now engaged in criminological research.
